March 1, 2025
Baby to Miss - 2:00PM
140 Blue Devil Drive, Bonifay
The Miss Trailblazer pageant is a fundraiser for the
Bonifay Police Department.
The Holmes County Chamber of Commerce is proud to present the 2025 Miss Trailblazer pageant. The winners of this pageant will represent the Bonifay Down Home Street Festival at the event on March 15, 2025. The winners will be provided with a sash, crown, and T-shirt to represent the festival. You must attend the Street Festival event to receive your T-shirt.
You must live in a 100 mile radius of Holmes County.
Attire for all contestants will be outfit of choice. Just as is stated, this outfit is your choice. Show us your personal style. All age appropriateness rules must be followed. For example: No bare midriff, swimsuits, or age inappropriate outfits. No wigs or hair pieces for contestants in Baby - Tiny Miss. Judges will be advised of these terms. Please make sure your child comes dressed with hair and makeup completed. There will be no onsite hair and makeup or dressing rooms available due to space.
The age divisions are:
Baby: 0-11 months
Toddler: 12-23 months
Toddler: 2-3
Tiny: 4-6
Little Miss: 7-9
Junior Miss: 10-12
Teen Miss: 13-16
Miss: 17-24
All contestants must be checked in by 1:15.
Entry Fee: $50 and bag of dog food.
Dog food collected the day of pageant will be donated to the Lucky Puppy Rescue.
(Must be paid within 24 hours of submitting this application or it will be deleted)
Paypal: or @misstrailblazer (Choose Friends and Family or we will be charged a fee. You will be required to pay the remainder of the fee before check in if you do not do this correctly.) Please include your contestant's FULL name and age division
Photogenic (Optional): $10 (MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH ENTRY FEE) Can be color OR black and white. No frames. Do not mail photos. Turn them in at the check-in table the day of the pageant NO later than 30 minutes before the start of the pageant. Clearly write participant's name on the back of the photo - they will not be judged if the name is not on them.
Proceeds from this pageant will go to the Bonifay Police Department and the Bonifay K8 Drama Department. Dog food donations will be given to the Lucky Puppy Rescue.
Miss Trailblazer Spirit Queen Title will be awarded to the contestant who raises the most money for the Bonifay Police Department and BK8 Drama Dept.
Miss Trailblazer Service Queen Title will be awarded to the contestant who collects the most dog food for The Lucky Puppy Rescue.
For more information email:
Contact Info: Melea Corbin, Director 850-849-2570
Past Miss Trailblazer Queens